



然而,这段幸福生活并没有持续多久。一天傍晚,当太阳西下时分,那对夫妇正在准备收摊,但就在此时,一群不明身份的人突然闯入他们的小摊位,将所有财物都洗劫一空。 husbands face fell like a broken mirror, his eyes filled with despair. His wife tried to comfort him, but the wound was too deep.

In the end, the husband couldn't bear it anymore and made a desperate decision. He took his wife to the same stone bridge where they used to set up their stall. The river below was still as calm as ever, reflecting the beauty of nature and human sorrow at once. With tears in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips, she jumped into the river without hesitation.

The husband watched in horror as his beloved wife disappeared into the water. The sound of her splash echoed through time and space, leaving behind only one question: why did she have to leave him so suddenly?

As news spread throughout town about what had happened at that fateful stone bridge, people were left speechless by this tragic event. They mourned for both lives lost and questioned whether life is truly worth living when faced with such cruelty.

To this day, people say that if you stand on that stone bridge during certain hours of dawn or dusk when shadows are longest – you might see them; two souls standing side by side again under an eternal sky full of love & regret - waiting for each other's return from eternity back home...