❤❤❤❤❤ 时光沙漏 告别沉沦 ╰つ゛ 因为/ ″沉溺很久了 莪从此也想∮ 可以浅淡地微笑 ゆゆゆ゜ ❤❤❤❤❤ 爱情沙漏 告别悲伤 ╰つ゛ 因为/ ″抑郁很久了 其实你没发现 可以微笑地送别 ゆゆゆ゜ ===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== 我一生∥ 最重要的两个女人
我一生∥ 最珍爱的两个男人
===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== 每条路·总会有不同时交错口
===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== ╭⌒ゝ心中的那个
I think about you.
Love 是我们今生的承诺
这辈子☞ I will accompany you to watch the sunrise.
Love 是我们今生的约定
█████◣◢↑☞ this life ☝️ I will accompany you to see happiness.
===首页与 分割线 与 分割线 之间的标记=== 她喜欢傍晚被他牵着手走在大街上嘴里吃零食
===首页 与 分割线 与 分割线 之间的标记=== 忠贞不二,不离不弃相守到老
===首页 与 分割线 与 分距之间 的 标记== 因为有个女人住在我的心中
首页 和 下一页 和 下一页 之间 的 切换 标记= 说多了情话会累.
首页 和 下一页 和 下一页 之间 的 切换 标记= 无论你多么耀眼抱歉,我没兴趣
首页 和下一页和下一页之间的切换标记= 专属你的爱,
HomePage & Pagination & Pagination between separators = [ 长情。 ]
[ 阻隔。 ]
[ 懂的人。]
[ 深碍。 ]
[ 暖的伴。 ]
HomePage & Pagination & Pagination between separators = , 、,、 `.小子 ,′ . 你等着 七年后, 碧海蓝天白婚纱ツ 我定赖着你。
, 、,、 `.丫头,′ . 你等着 七年后, 碧海蓝天白礼服ツ 我定守着你。
HomePage & pagination and pagination between separators = Loving - My three minutes of heat for three minutes - But love you long time
Loving - My nature is lonely by nature - But read Hellodee
HomePage and pagination and pagination between separators =
guardianship of your heart is my lifelong wish.
accompaniment of your hand is my lifelong happiness.
HomePage and pagination and pagination between separators = A boy: Love me B. Back me C. Pet me D. Tease me Girl: Marry me how about it?
A girl: Love him B. Back him C. Pet him D.Tease him Boy: Marry her how about it?
HomePage and pagination and pagination between separators =
We are together in our hearts,
Going to create a brilliant future together,
With you by my side,
My life is perfect,
˙•..•˙`˙ With You Only Is Sweetness,
We are together in our hands,
Going to create a bright tomorrow together,
With you by my side,
My life is colorful,
˙•..•˙`˙ With You Only Is Happiness,
HomePage & Pagination & Pagination between Separators =
The drunk was blowing -
The drunk blew his nose -
I am going home with a bottle of wine tonight.
And then we'll have dinner at the table with candles lit.
Are there any leftovers from last night's party?