我在清晨醒来时,雨已经开始下了。带着一把伞,我沿着冷漠的小巷走去,一路上寂静无声。我是一个诗人,我敞开心扉,用歌声回应那阴郁的天空,那里藏着世界的微光。在这个时候,我发现了一些阳光可爱的微笑女生头像,它们精选了十六张。我买完早餐,雨突然停了-downpour like a bad mood, discarded with the gloomy weather. I walked back home, stepping on the flowers blooming in the water, with a hint of warmth from the setting sun. It must be early autumn; an old tree dropped a solitary leaf, reminding me of the cool weather's greetings. In September, there was silence in each day; I missed my father's smile. A poem hung in the sky like moonlight; my longing reached far away. I couldn't sleep all night; it was as if I were under a spell that prevented me from dreaming of you. Awakening accompanied by pop music playing on my speakers, shaking off the insomnia and solitude of deep night - it's a privilege after breaking up. But I listened alone to that deafening loneliness.
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