
1.心凉了,也就什么也不重要了。 2.你说是天冷了,我说是心凉了。 3.再强大坚定的爱,也有心凉心碎的时候。 4.心凉的时候,会触摸自己的影子,还好,有你陪着我孤单。 5.我不喜欢喝雪碧,因为我怕透心凉,我不喜欢吃好多鱼,因为我怕好多好多余。

6.被你冷落了太久,我的心凉了。 7.若是心凉了,便是再也找不回最初的温暖。 8.心凉了,就真的不在需要你了。


10.I没有哭,只是heartlened, eye also lened, outside water vapor touch to the eye meet cold liquidize just so.


12茶lened,可以warm,heartlened,就再也warm not back.

13水lened still can drink,可是heartlened just like want to cry.

14 heart hurt, heart pain, heart lenen, heart frustration! I am very contradictory in my mind there is a nameless fire that is about to burst!

15 不怕 heart tired, not afraid of heart lenen, not afraid of heart hurt but afraid of death of the mind.

16 有时候 the mind lenen then against you it's a good thing because forcedly come happiness will never belong to you.

17 当mymind.lenen i will give up won't again have half bit lingering for you write down remind myself at least don't let self commit folly anymore

18 cannot warm with hands then do not blindly struggle for what only get own mind.lenened through

19 多余 what is? Is summer quilt winter fan and after mymind.lenened your solicitude

20 maybe I have been too long time.myMind.lenened see sunlight go all out chase after it silently suffer this painful torture silently leave

21 I wait wait for waiting for hurting myMind.lenening or no reply can only bear this suffering quietly leave

22 weather hot walk more feel.myMind.lenening well whatever anyway that's all right without any so-called unso-called things

23 Mind hurts Mind pains Mind Lenens Mind frustrations! Very contradictory in my mind once thought love now just habit

24 Mind Lenens perhaps one moment thing but distrust is deadly wound all explanations of being distrusted are unnecessary!

25 Heart Lenens only need one moment but distrust is fatal wound every explanation of being distrusted is redundant!

26 No instant dislike only one twice three times Heart Lenens and disappointments really until despair then may as well leave even unwilling a little regretful

27 Some people some things you always experience after years thinking about it later shock oneself was at that time already had thinning feelings fear greatly

28 Weather gradually cooling down cooler than Heart Lenening wish be foolish fool around day happy day ah then whole day can fool around happy happy ah good ah good ah would be better than this wouldn't it?

29 One moment pain from HeartLenening impossible warm with how many warm words make up for coming back again and again till finally unable bear anymore till cannot hold on anymore till lose completely control over emotions losing control losing oneself completely fall into darkness totally lost forevermore beyond redemption lost beyond repair gone forever never returnable gone forever no longer existent utterly destroyed utterly broken utterly shattered utterly crushed beyond recognition shredded into pieces torn apart ripped apart rent asunder absolutely nothing left absolutely nothing remains absolute nothingness absolute emptiness absolute void complete destruction complete annihilation total devastation total destruction utter desolation utter devastation utter ruin total loss absolute loss ultimate loss final loss last straw last drop last breath last goodbye farewell goodbye adieu au revoir ciao arrivederci auf Wiedersehen sayonara shalom peace out bye-bye farewellbye adieu farewell adieu au revoir ciao arrivederci auf Wiedersehen sayonara shalom peace out bye-bye