┏我是爱吃醋┓ ┃我是爱生气,尤其是在别人背后指指点点的时候。┃ ┃我是不温柔,面对那些不公正的行为时,我会显得格外冷酷。┣我是不被理解的存在,人们总觉得我的脾气不好,但他们不知道的是,这只是因为我太在乎了。 ┗我是不可爱吗?也许你没有看到我的另一面,也许你还没发现,只有真正懂得珍惜的人才能够触动到我的心。
I am the one who loves vinegar,
I am the one who gets angry easily,
especially when people gossip behind my back.
I am not gentle,
when faced with unfair treatment, I can be cold and harsh.
Am I unlovable? Maybe you haven't seen my other side, maybe you haven't discovered it yet. Only those who truly appreciate me can touch my heart.