邑见锋芒万象 Rmy Martin人头马亮相2023春夏上海时装周时尚发型闪耀物品场景

(9月23日-30日,上海)九月将末,秋意渐浓。在大自然准备换上全新装束的时刻,时尚与“邑术”再度在魔都碰撞出新的精彩火花。誉享全球的法国优质香槟区干邑专家Rémy Martin人头马,秉承“不藏每一个棱角”的品牌精神,与2023春夏上海时装周携手,在上海新天地开启一场激发潮流艺术的精彩派对。长久以来,人头马与上海时装周保持紧密合作,连续四年不断呈现“精彩永续”的合作理念。今年,他们不仅与新锐设计师男装品牌GARÇON BY GARÇON合作,而且将人头马CLUB优质香槟区干邑全新发布的产品理念深度融合于时尚产业中,“万象更新”的多样性与兼容性。

图1:Rémy Martin人头马再度携手上海时装周,打造了一个万象的时尚碰杯之旅,呈现不藏棱角的永续精彩

在探索精彩的路途上,人头马从未止步,本次与上海时装周的碰杯,更是展现了品牌独特的人文关怀和创意思维。作为官方指定洋酒类合作伙伴,Rémy Martin人头马带来了沉浸式干邑体验,每一面都显露出与众不同。而人的自我表达,是一种自由,不需要遮掩自己的棱角,只有当敢于展现自我之时,我们才能引领未来风尚。




随后来宾便可以移步到潮流象限拍照打卡点,在折射光影中创作秀出多面自我的時裝。在这个过程中,每一次点亮感官象限,都是一种记忆留存。一段时间后,即可获赠来自 Rémy Martin “棱镜世界”的纪念品!

这份跨界协作源于思想契合和交互,最终成为了传承创新结合的情景,而 Rémy Martin 通过这样的故事诠释着 “精彩永续”。而今,这个故事也被延伸至 garments by Garçon 的服饰系列,它们既传递了历史,也预见了未来。这份无缝连接,是对过去尊重的一种方式,同时也是对未知充满好奇的一种态度。

Designers like Tang Dage have a unique perspective on fashion, and their brand, GARÇON BY GARÇON, reflects that. With its blend of medieval and Eastern elements, the brand tells a story of growth and self-discovery. This spirit aligns with Rémy Martin's commitment to innovation while honoring tradition.

On September 24th, designer Tang Dage visited the Rémy Martin booth where he mixed a cocktail called "Sunny Afternoon" using Rémy Martin cognac as the base. This fusion of ideas and personal expression embodies the essence of "non-collaboration" – showcasing one's individuality without hiding any edges.

The collaboration between Rémy Martin and Shanghai Fashion Week is not just about presenting their products but also about creating an experience that showcases creativity and artistry. It is about celebrating individuality while embracing diversity in all aspects of life. As part of this experience, guests were encouraged to explore different areas such as Art Gallery where they could interact with digital installations or take photos against custom-designed backdrops.

This year's event was even more special because it marked a new chapter in the partnership between Rémy Martineau x Shanghai Fashion Week x Garçon By Garçon x Designers like Tang Dage . The theme was centered around showcasing how people can express themselves through fashion without hiding any edges – embracing uniqueness in all aspects of life.

Through this journey into exploring what it means to be unique yet connected to others we find our own identity within society which allows us create something truly innovative together!