
∩_∞ (●.●) ∨**″不哭闹。 ∨**″不解释。 ∨**″不争辩。 ◢╲ ╲◤ 不代表“我不会改变”而是表明了对世界的无力感和接受现实的态度。

,‐ 、,ˊˋ、 `.so sorry ,′ ˋ . ˊ 小亲爱╮ 我 走 们 向 一 不再追求完美,转而选择安静地面对生活中的挫折与失望。



┏╮/╱℡ ╰★ ╮


These few people are forever in my heart, even if they have changed or moved on with their lives. They may not be the ones I turn to for comfort or support now, but they will always hold a special place in my memories and experiences.

The group of people we once knew so well can sometimes become strangers to us; those who were once full of words and warmth may now only offer silence; some individuals may have left an indelible mark on our hearts at one time, but their presence fades away like a ghost over time; there are others who pass through our lives without leaving any trace behind.

QQ伤感分组大全2012 - A Collection of Emotional Farewells by QQ Avatar Network www.qqza.cn