知心爱人,口头爱人,晚安爱人,早安爱人,心尖爱人影子爱人 ===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== sisters always there, brothers always by your side. I hope when I get married, you all will be there too. ===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== reckless spending of youth, wild abandon in the passing years ===首页与分页与分页之间分隔符=== hardworking souls soaring backwards, fierce determination in every step ˇYou're not allowed to leave me!ˇ (throws a tantrum) (╯‵□′)╯︵┻ (calms down and composes herself) ┬─┬ ノ( ∩- ∩ノ ) Throw it again! ˇ(throws another tantrum)! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻ ===首页与分页与分页面间的标志线条== My dear friend, we promised not to part ways. So don't betray me. Because we are friends forever. Otherwise... what are we? The friendship in our youth is about mutual companionship and progress together ﹌﹌﹌﹌。 Because of the existence of good friends, our youthful journey is no longer solitary or lonely. ﹌﹌﹌🏽~The End~ ===首页与分页与页面间的标志线条== Beyond the river: flowers have bloomed; who rejoices? On this side: flowers have fallen; who mourns? ===首页與頁面間的標誌線條== Who would like to stop and sit with me to blow away the wind? Listen to my voice; remember my past; love my heart。 == 首页 与 分頁 与 分頁 之 間 的 標誌 線 條 ==