在那片蔚蓝的天空下,两位姐妹手牵手,踏上了他们人生旅途的第一步。这个承诺,就像爱琴海边的一束光芒,将永远照亮她们前行的道路。这不是一场偶然相遇,而是一段命中注定的旅程。 sisters' hands intertwined, they began their first step on the journey of life. This promise is like the light on the shore of Love Sea, illuminating their path forever. It's not a casual encounter, but an appointment from fate.
在维也纳那座充满历史与浪漫气息的城市里,他们继续携手同行。在那里,微风轻拂过面颊,与温暖的手掌交织成最美好的回忆。Just as Vienna's sea breeze gently caresses their cheeks and weaves into beautiful memories with warm hand-holds.
他们对未来充满期待,对彼此的情感深信不疑。在这个世界上,有些誓言是如此坚定,以至于时间和空间都无法改变它们。一路上,他们将共同经历每一个高潮和低谷,不管风雨如何,只要有彼此,就能克服一切挑战.Their hearts are filled with anticipation for what lies ahead and faith in each other's emotions. Some vows in this world are so firm that time and space cannot alter them. Along the way, they will face every peak and trough together; no matter how fierce the wind or rain may be, as long as they have each other, they can overcome all obstacles.
因此,无论是在爱琴海还是维也纳,那份永不失约的承诺,都将伴随着她们,一直到世界尽头。And so, whether it's in Love Sea or Vienna, that unbreakable vow will accompany them until the end of the world.