1 . MdENY ????#
2 . 深呼吸 Deep breaths
3 . ?aMemor??????????
4 . ??? Moment?b
5 . Dream
6 . 格子衫 Nice%
7 . tell me what to be
8 . 牵手 °sunset
9 . Shallow sing丿忧伤
10 . oh fu2k
11 . Get your Crayon,
12 . Baby do not cry
13 . 透支的狂 beast-
14 . SUHO银河i
15 . 暖兮princess
16 . Renounceヾ放弃
17 . Vampire.(吸***鬼)
18 . Amour″暮想
19 . EXO ?? time~~
20 . _Crazy??
21 . Bad Boy
22 . Vickyシ筱米
23 . Fighting!!!
24 . 暖纪丶Lonely°
25 . 厮守 Print li°
26 . Love Song
27 . mo._虚冇
28 . anesthesia
30 . forever°为你疯爱
31 . LOL=小三
32 . 冷温柔°Triste
33 . EVa敷、衍
34 . après 后来
35 . Warmheart°暖心
36 . - Blue friend
37 . 蔸蔸゛summer
38 . Fate 轮回
39 . Arbitrary ????????
40 . ?t?ⷲ???g??KRIS
41 . EXO,爱到失控
42 . Perfect,
43 . 燃烧soon start
44 . moonshinei
45 . Prick
46 . Crooked。
47 . FOCUS-33ち橘色暗
48 . EXO??ʫ?ġ???Star
49 . 冷瞳°Remnant
50 . Edinburgh°陪你
51 . Let Her Go
52 . Overdose上瘾
53 . Luminary@???????壩
54 . Review
55 . Papier nouveau-né纸婴▊
56 . With LOVE
57 . Ever. ????
58 . 暗中呼喊 - loudly``
59 . Iruri℡过客
60 . Laugh tired(笑倦)
61 . Country boy
62 . _Edmundヾ似懂非懂
63 . 抹 茶 Monstar 7°-
64 . Depression(忧郁症
65 . ??ޓއއއ Danstl
66 . Feel sad ????
67 . CPUのIntel.
68 . Amoヽ晴天
69 . M+K=EXO
70 . Pull(难挽)
71 . Angle、微眸
72 . 伤人绪 Triste 。
73 . ゜ eVer ㄨ
74 . This life most loves
75 . G-Dragon??
76 . Sunshine* 安好
77 . __Only?c ŵ??
78 . - Vie
79 . Inconstancy☜
80 . Sad.p?????T?I
81 . GG Bond @ ??????????
82 . sally°初晴
83 . Death.(***亡)
84 . 春暖情歌lo3esong§