我最亲爱的姐妹們 —— 某某某,我要对你说一声谢谢。你不仅陪伴了我在快乐时光,但也一直在身边,即使是在我们一起犯错或者受到惩罚的时候。你那慈爱的声音,就像闺蜜之间的大过天,让我们的友谊更加坚固。
I LOVE you, my dearest sisters —— 某某某. Thank you for being there with me, through all the laughter and craziness, through our mistakes and punishments. Your voice is like a big sister's overprotective scolding, making our bond even stronger.
I LOVE you too, my sweetest sisters —— 某某某. I'm grateful for your presence in my life, just as much as I appreciate your unwavering support during both the good times and the bad. The way we stick together is truly what makes us sisters in every sense of the word.